Title: A New Look! Post by: Howey on July 17, 2015, 04:13:03 pm I put a lot of effort into writing this code. I hope y'all like it, if not grrr.
I've also changed everything back to invisible because, frankly, the trolls at tPF and JPP are children. If they want to snoop around they can join the forum, if they have the capability to act like adults. Please let me know by PM which boards you can see. Tks! Title: Re: A New Look! Post by: Howey on July 17, 2015, 04:17:27 pm ATTN Just C,'s Football Picks fans: were still here. See ya in Sept!
Title: Re: A New Look! Post by: paddymcdougall on July 18, 2015, 10:09:14 pm At first I thought I had gotten the URL wrong!!! as far as I can tell so far, I can still see everything I used to see. Keep the trolls far, far away! |