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1  Welcome to Bizarro Amerika / Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi on: September 04, 2017, 03:50:05 pm
sounds like you've made great progress. I hope Irma stays away from you.
2  Welcome to Bizarro Amerika / Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi on: August 27, 2017, 03:26:49 pm
Hope the house is done by now!

We just got a ductless heat pump system installed, which means we now have a/c. yea!
3  Welcome to Bizarro Amerika / Wuzup? / Re: My Brother on: April 19, 2017, 06:56:05 pm
Definitely an awful trip. I remember JB going to his father's house over the Xmas holidays. Glad he hasn't died yet.

but to have a brother die - just awful.
4  Welcome to Bizarro Amerika / Wuzup? / Re: My Brother on: April 16, 2017, 09:26:04 am
That is terrible, Howey. Are you up to sharing the details? My condolences to you and your family.
5  Welcome to Bizarro Amerika / Wuzup? / Re: A Message for 2016 on: January 01, 2017, 09:39:26 am
Great song pick!

Happy New Year to all! May it be better than 2016
6  Welcome to Bizarro Amerika / Wuzup? / Re: Yes, Virginia. There is a Sissy Claus! on: December 28, 2016, 10:40:08 am
Lovely! let's hear it for Sissy Claus!
7  Welcome to Bizarro Amerika / Wuzup? / Re: Merry Christmas.. on: December 28, 2016, 10:38:33 am
EKG, I think you need a "do over" then! hold another Christmas on a day when you feel better!

Howey, hope your quiet day was good!

Brent's older daughter & husband were up for the weekend; they went to his parents' house Sat evening and then his grandparents' house Sun afternoon/evening, which worked out well. We were tired, so glad to rest on Sunday. We went to my sister's house on Sat evening.

Mon, they hung out till about 2 in the afternoon, and then left.

Quiet week at work; trying to catch up on learning some stuff I was supposed to have learned already
8  Welcome to Bizarro Amerika / Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hello, everyone! on: December 18, 2016, 09:59:40 am
Cool! I lived in England until late October.

The weirdest thing I do? Hmm...
I definitely draw some strange things...

now you have to post a pic of one of your drawings! well, guess you don't HAVE to, but I'm curious now!
9  Welcome to Bizarro Amerika / Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hello, everyone! on: December 14, 2016, 10:24:33 pm
What is the weirdest of the weird things you do?

I lived in California until late Sept, when I moved to Vancouver, WA. YEA CALIFORNIA!
10  Politikal / Welcome to Bizarro Amerika! / Re: SENATOR Rick Scott????????????????? on: November 18, 2016, 06:15:56 pm
He does have experience.

As a Mormon missionary going door to door on his bicycle...

Guliani said that all his trips abroad made him qualified - of course those were all for lobbying or speeches....

I am wondering if all this transition mess is just to keep us from noticing that Ryan is busy dismantling the safety net of medicare and social security.
11  Politikal / Welcome to Bizarro Amerika! / Re: SENATOR Rick Scott????????????????? on: November 17, 2016, 06:44:08 pm
Suddenly Mitt Romney as secretary of State sounds downright sane...
12  Politikal / Welcome to Bizarro Amerika! / Re: SENATOR Rick Scott????????????????? on: November 16, 2016, 08:27:49 pm
well, at least he wouldn't be gov of Florida anymore... sigh.

Ted Cruz for Attorney General or Supreme Court?

Nikki Haley for Secretary of State?

13  Politikal / Welcome to Bizarro Amerika! / Re: WTF? King Trump Wants His Kids to Have Top Secret Clearances? on: November 16, 2016, 08:26:18 pm
thought I read that Ivana (first wife) now wants to be ambassador to Czechoslovakia

the world has gone crazy
14  Politikal / Welcome to Bizarro Amerika! / Re: Welcome to bizzaro America indeed! on: November 09, 2016, 10:29:22 pm
It's horrible to think of going from Obama to Trump. Wow. Obama was so amazing; and Trump is such a douchbag.

Well, they have control for at least 2 years; I hate to think of all the people who will be hurt during those two years, but I think the repubs are going to be shown as the incompetents they are. And maybe that will get the house to be blue in 2018

on the other hand, Brownback of KS got re-elected in spite of all he did to ruin that state....

Trump may find himself at odds with "his party" though ... I don't know if he'll rubber-stamp everything like Ryan thinks he will. Guess we'll find out

15  Politikal / Political News and Election Coverage / Re: The White Male Culture of the FBI on: November 06, 2016, 11:39:00 am
Yeah. And I have a feeling Quantico doesn't reflect the FBI in many more ways than the diversity and the looks of the agents... I did make it thru the first season, barely, but am not watching it in the new season. Just so many dumb things in it.

My husband watched the first episode of the 2nd season; apparently same thing, but now they are training to be CIA agents.

Anyway, that was off-topic.

FBI is looking really bad right now.
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