...infest internet forums calling liberals Nazi's and worse are now demanding that all muslims be put in concentration camps because of their religion.
They want all mosques in the country shut down.
They want everyone identified with a tag.
This country has gone to hell.
Totally agree. We're back at Nazi Germany. Don't they see how horrible this all is?
Trump came out supporting closing down mosques and putting all muslims in a database. (But he still won't register guns.)
http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/donald-trump-muslims-database-idsAnd this guy doesn't want Syrians here because it would be too easy for them to buy guns. HOW ABOUT MAKING IT HARDER FOR EVERYONE TO BUY GUNS?
http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2015/11/17/3722968/nra-texas-rep-no-syrians-gun-access/I'm waiting for ANY republican candidate to come out against Trump's ideas. Anyone done that yet? HA