What a hoot.
I can't stand the extremism of either party.
I call for the formation of the Reasonable Compromise Party, a party which stands for moderation and thoughtful, appropriate action.
As a matter of fact...and due strictly to the open operations policy at BOH Industries LLC Limited...
A Press statement was quietly released earlier today confirming a partnership being considered with the RCMP, A...
In an apparent move to do damage control amid a series of confrontations and...and out right attacks...
This setback could undermine the very foundation the industry was built on...putting jobs at risk.
If the Reasonable Compromise & Mitigation Policing, Agency exercises the extent of their full power
BOH Industries LLC Limited could end up facing some stiff penalties. Truly exciting News to be on the watch for...
This has been a Forum Update Content Kaleidoscope ... Of Fragmented Fascination
With your Host... D'Arth
Reminding us....789