Holden Bach reporting from an undisclosed location...transdimentionally accessing the residual
echo's reverberating across the multidimensional fabric of times and spaces...
What does the energy have to share with me slash us tonight...
but...wow...a lot of static on this frequency tonight...let me try another one
but...gig...butt gig...hmmm....buttigieg....buttigieg....
navy reserve intelligence officer...2009 thru 2017
speaks 7 different languages...very valuable for covert operations...or takedowns
Oh great energy source....show me...was buttigieg a participant in the iran nuclear deal...back in 2009 ?
No...i don't want a malt....wth...
malt... malta...oh...malta, i know of that place...what a background that place has...
butglitch's family is from malta...and he's spent time there also...makes me think
knights of malta...wonder of their is a connection...
something about language schools in or around a horn in africa or something...
training operatives...odessa....wow
i'm gonna have to unhook from this frequency...so much data
to sort through...
short synopsis : Plant,
buttiglitch could possibly be, deep state embedded and chose by said state to promote
up the ranks to the highest rank, to regain control of the power positions and lucrative
financial rewards undercover of covert operations and world politics...Energy resources
Team Sea I Aye....what...i'm losing the connection...
Please stand by...this psychic is currently experiencing technical difficulties...
LINK]https://twitter.com/thaaak?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor]LINK has been lost...end transmission
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ALL RIGHTS FORFEITED to prevent any and all legal actions...pertaining to this broadcast... BNFBP 2020