You make it gov't and 'free', you get subpar service, and two tier system were the best Dr's sell their service to the rich.
I have the best health care available.
I have a physician/nurse available to me 24/7.
I have free medications.
I visit a clean, well-staffed, medical center and receive first-class quality medical care from professionals - many of whom are former military.
Here's an idea!
Nearly every city/town/populated area in this nation has at least one "closed" hospital. Hell, over here there's two operating at limited capacity and one entire hospital
Why not make them clinics for those without healthcare? FREE!
Hire the unemployed (yes, they're out there) physicians, nurses, clerks, whatever (and here's an idea...if they're not - TRAIN SOME! - to staff these clinics.
Health care - RESOLVED.
Unemployment - REDUCED.
Sam - SHUT UP!