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 on: June 24, 2021, 07:13:35 am 
Started by betteroffhere - Last post by betteroffhere
Will civil rights attorney Crump  travel to florida to defend a suspect involved the shooting of a

daytona police officer...based on civil rights violations recorded by the officers body cam ?

Will attorney Crump attempt to establish a self defense...defense...sighting that the vehicle was on private property and

that a suspicious vehicle is not a crime...or justification for civil rights right violations as recorded on the officers body cam...

And that the officers actions instigated the resulting actions taken by the suspect...and had the officer not violated the

suspects rights by attempting to physically detain the suspect by placing both hands

on the future suspect when no apparent laws had been broken...nor was any explanation of a crime having been committed...

given to the soon to be defendant...providing the suspect makes it safely to jail and

processed through the court system for a fair trial ?

Our prayers go out to the officer injured and his family members

BOH... reporting ...in a upside down world to the backwards facing masses...

 on: April 05, 2021, 12:06:16 pm 
Started by Statistikhengst - Last post by Statistikhengst

 on: January 28, 2021, 11:11:26 pm 
Started by ekg - Last post by betteroffhere

 on: October 17, 2020, 11:40:55 am 
Started by ekg - Last post by ekg
Check his Facebook if you'd like to say something..his niece is leaving it up for ppl to comment on


 on: October 17, 2020, 11:38:15 am 
Started by ekg - Last post by ekg
Hey guys.. I just found out Howie died back in may. I feel so shitty that I'm just now finding out.. my only excuse is that I Suffered another loss at the same time and have just been absent in life since..

I need to process Howie's death and then I will say something befitting of him at another time...

But for now.... I will miss him...he always...ALWAYS had my back.. I wish I was a better friend to him in the end..

I'm sure Darth is showing him the whores ropes with a stoli in hand ..

God I miss them both...

 on: April 05, 2020, 09:04:33 am 
Started by betteroffhere - Last post by betteroffhere
BOH reporting....

A movement... has begun to surge behind the scenes...

challenging the media and government's repetitive use of the phrase

social distancing...according to reports...

So... BOH news division,dispatched reporters to investigate and found that

A.S.S.H.O.L.E.S. were prepared to deliver a substantial package of signed petitions

requesting that personal distancing be used in place of the current social distancing phrase ...

Here is an excerpt from A.S.S.H.O.L.E.S. twitter account :

"This crisis is an issue of Personal Distancing, not Social Distancing
Support the movement to insure proper use of terms and phrases by signing the petition

and share with everyone that you are a supporter of

Advancing Systematically Suprressed Harbingers Of Lamely Expressed Stereotypes

I wouldn't believe it...if i hadn't wrote it....

submitted by

a reporter to embarrassed to sign the report but not the petition...

 on: March 30, 2020, 06:11:37 am 
Started by betteroffhere - Last post by betteroffhere

Stimulusly stimulating...a...simulated simulation theory

Begin MRI Stimulusly Simulating Simulation

Run DISK...


begin data dump of test subjects mental activity...


excerpt's from a springtime 2019 conversation between co-vid 18 and
co-vid 19 transcribed for print...

scroll..... = co-18

scale.... = co-19

When does a leak become a creek...stream....river...
when does the control over the potential power become a player...
before the leak becomes a creek or
before the stream becomes a river...

the essence of the leak gives cause to potential power and begins the
secondary process of resistance to effect some control over the initial
potential...the larger the scaling the greater the effort or more
expansive the resistance at each level in scaling...that being said...
and i don't know why...

has this been happening the entire time...and
i could not see it...hear it...taste it...smell it
could i have ignored the feeling of it...
i guess... i'll just enjoy the swim...

Was recorded just prior to the vials being separated for processing.



RUN... transcribed excerpt of a captured interaction between the left side of subjects brain and the right side....

data dump in process...


acting as an arm chair conspiracy analyst without direction from anyone
or any organization...absolutely no outside influence i will preface this post

with the following disclaimer...789

facts introduction...

ny times runs a story

using content

...explore content....

Content of Contents as follows

Video with audio

Authenticity Verification report...

Currently Unable

The time of recording of the video and or audio cannot be accurately
determined or verified

Content of video

Under Review

preliminary notes :

Person in Hospital setting
wearing hospital related attire
in motion traversing location
extreme distress conveyed

Content of audio

Under Review

Intent of content...


Ok...Search for data related

transferring....one moment


Original Digital Data Analysis Department....oddad...odd ad

Continuing meta data search

Virus and Vote

retrieving data

john mark dougan ...exiled in russia....
former... palm beach cop claims

He has found...exposed...whistled a tune on
voter fraud in florida...100K dead voters on the rolls
A thousand voted last election or something



youtube video index page



END Stimulusly Stimulating Simulation

Load new disk...

And now for some NEWS from around the nation

via some independent unsanctioned investigative journalists....

video reports from the street...

This weeks Street of Gold reporters are from....

Oregon...California....New York

Reports under 7 days old as of publishing...

Run Reports...

brandon farley....Portland...sometime here in march


crowd source the truth...jason goodman...new york city


youtube video index page link for jason goodman


SLO observer...san louis obispo california






corona timeline per George Webb... truthleaks investigative reporting


youtube video index page link for George Webb


mcduff....with George Webb content

youtube video index page link


amazing polly...youtuber...researcher


youtube video index page link for amazing polly


MRI results complete....there isn't enough brain cells present to justify the nutritional

expense to warrant value for this particular human resource




Seed The Soul...Seed The News Hole....See The News WHOLE...

the sudden desire to buy a new kia soul is what i feel like doing for some reason

...Holden Bach reprocessing what other have reported...2020

Brought to you by

The Distress 'N' Duress News Outlet

in conjunction with the fine folks at YOUTUBE

To which this broadcast wouldn't have been possible

We would also like to thank you...the valued reader of said content

for making this worth the efforts...without your research and

undying belief that you will some day profit off this astounds me

Sending out...

A wish for
Potential to ALL...in this time of crisis

 on: March 25, 2020, 02:59:52 am 
Started by betteroffhere - Last post by betteroffhere
Tolerance Testing...

allegedly leaked from BOH Global

This is just a test...a test of tolerance


Objective 1 :

Generate and accumulate data critical to intelligence, regarding
a global crisis shutdown of all transportation systems, through a scheduled
series of implementations, designated by the specific directions in accordance
with the outline of the parameters involving this exercise...

Objective 2 :

Objective 3 :

Mass collection of DNA samples to increase the Global DNA Data Base
from 64 percent to 82 percent under Project : CLASSIFIED





BOH Reporting...or not...could be, just making shit up...

Re Booting....

Please stand by ...

Page 2

why hasn't the emergency broadcast system been activated and
used to dispense information on a national scale ?

need to investigate what is required to activate that system put in place
to instruct and inform the american people that may not be fully aware of
the current slash active situation...


Confirm Stock purchases of vitamin companies

Initiate: The Empowerment Stability Taskforce (T.E.S.T.)

acquire domains under the news and media division,

Bolt action news group
Empowerment project investment club
Cooperative community compliance project
Aggressive promotion(al) events
Liberties enforcement foundation team
Media arts dispatch...


cue clearance denied...

all maroon highlighted words are links to a variety of youtube videos...
due to the current lockdown situation...i thought you might enjoy em'

if so...hit the like button...give it a thumbs up...also
don't forget to subscribe and activate the bell...so you'll receive notifications
of the fastest growing weekly publication produced monthly...

 on: March 19, 2020, 05:43:23 pm 
Started by betteroffhere - Last post by betteroffhere
To the fla governor giving a public address about covid-19

standing at the podium touched his face multiple times...D'oh

and the government officials standing behind him during the announcement  did not practice the social distancing

that they are promoting....demanding even...

whats up with that...mixed messages...don't do as we do...

just do what we say....oh....k

BOH reporting...

 on: March 19, 2020, 06:27:39 am 
Started by betteroffhere - Last post by betteroffhere
i dont blame anyone for not wanting to venture over to general discussions...

so i will bring what i posted over here...

dated April 23 2019...portion that important and i quote

If elected as president...i promise to do my best too...

to protect our nations teaching force and promote education...

and i will do this by eliminating the necessity of physical public school buildings...

ushering in the virtual public education system...providing all public school children

with virtual head gear and a laptop...

thusly preventing any future school shootings of students or faculty...

teachers would have a secured building that they would live stream virtual classes...

parents wouldn't have to worry about their kids being bullied...kidnapped at the bus stop or walking to school

the various governments...fed,state and local...would save the tax payers revenue on all levels

no buses...savings...no fuel for said buses...savings...etc...etc

the savings or portions of said savings could be diverted to social security...

health care...or back into the tax payers pocket...open for discussion

open for discussion under the topic... game changers...in the general discussion board

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